EOS Studio Desktop

EOS Studio Desktop is a stand-alone desktop appliction, supporting Mac OS, Windows and Linux.


You can download the installation package from the following links:

Set up the environment

When you launch EOS Studio for the first time, there will be a welcome screen to help you set up the tools required for EOSIO dApp development. That includes:

  • EOSIO is the main software to run a EOSIO-based blockchain. It includes

    • nodeos: the core executable that runs the EOSIO blockchain for block production and providing API endpoints. You need to start one for local development;

    • cleos: a command line tool to query the EOSIO blockchain;

    • keosd: a commane line wallet to manage keypairs and sign transactions;

  • EOSIO.CDT which stands for Contract Development Toolkit is used to compile C++ source codes to WebAssembly, a binary format EOSIO uses to run smart contracts.

EOS Studio Desktop uses Docker to install and run the above tools. With dockerized EOSIO and EOSIO.CDT, it’s easier to work accross differenct operating systems. If you don’t have Docker yet, the welcome page will guide you to install it.

In EOS Studio, cleos and keosd are not necessary.


[Windows] There are two types of Docker: Docker Desktop (for Window 10 Pro only) and Docker Toolbox (for all the others). Be sure to know which type of Docker your are using. EOS Studio works better with Docker Desktop, but it has some compatible issues with Docker Toolbox. In that case, we recommend to use Cloud CDT and Cloud-hosted Network.


[Linux] After install docker, you also need to allow non-privileged users to run Docker commands. See instructions here.

After Docker is installed and launched, the welcome page will further assist you to download docker images for EOSIO (eostudio/eos) and EOSIO.CDT (eostudio/eosio.cdt). Both of them have many versions, but in most cases you only need to install the latest. If you have previous projects that only work with older EOSIO or EOSIO.CDT, you can download multiple versions and EOS Studio will help you to manage them.


Do not use the docker image on mainnet or as a block producer. They are made for development purpose only.

Create a new project

Once you finish the installations, EOS Studio will go to the page of your project list. It is empty now, so let’s click the Create button and create a new project.

The new project will be initilized with some basic codes for a smart contract. You can now press the :fa:`gavel` hammer button in the toolbar to build the project. This will run the EOSIO.CDT docker image to compile the contract and export a .wasm file and an .abi file.

  • The wasm file is a WebAssembly binary that will run on the EOSIO blockchain

  • The abi file is a json object that defines the contract actions and data tables with type information of action parameters and table rows.

Start a local network

Before going forward, you need to start a local network. Switch to the Network Page where you can see all installed EOISO softwares. Click the Run button to start a network. EOS Studio will

Create an account

Deploy the contract


Be careful that do not deploy to eosio account, unless you know what you are doing.

Execute the contract action