Network Manager

Network are use to switch connected EOSIO network.

Local Network

(Only for EOS Studio Desktop)


EOSIO Version Manager

A table of installed EOSIO versions is listed here. If you want to install another one, click the install button and select the version you want to install. You can also delete unwanted versions.

To start a local network, select the version you want to start and click the Run button. EOS Studio will start a docker container and assemble the command to run nodeos. Once it is started, you can see the block producing logs in the log terminal below.

Advanced Configuration

EOS Studio allow you to modify the paramters to run nodeos. Click the cog button to open advanced configuration window. Here you will see a list of configurations, and please check nodeos documentation to understand how to use them.

Logs of Block Production

You can toggle the button and hide …

Cloud-hosted Network

This is a for-development testnet provided by dfuse.

Remote Networks

Other networks EOS Studio supports

  • The EOSIO Mainnet

  • Jungle 2.0 testnet

  • CryptoKylin testnet

You can also connect to a custom networks

Basic Information

API Endpoints and Chian ID

Access to Block Explorers
