
EOS Studio comes with a simple and intuitive layout. The UI is divided into four pages, switchable through the navbar buttons.

  • Project Editor is the main interface to display your EOSIO project and provide a EOSIO-tailored editor to code, build and deploy your smart contracts.

  • Contract Inspector is a convenient tool to debug smart contracts. It allows you to easily execute contract actions and visualize the table data.

  • Account Viewer is a page to view account information and perform account related operations.

  • Network Manager can help you switching between local network, different testnets, and EOS Mainnet, as well as showing the information of the selected network. You can also connect to a custom network by API endpoint. For local network, it also integrates the EOSIO Version Manager to install and manage multiple versions of the EOSIO software.

At the bottom, the Bottom Bar will provide easy access to other tools that might be useful during the development. Tools listed on the left side are usually needed in many places, so they are fixed in the Bottom Bar.

  • The Keypair Manager can help you to create, import or export keypairs. Be aware that EOS Studio will not encrypt the private keys and don’t use any of those in the mainnet.

  • The Scatter button will show connection status to Scatter Desktop. EOS Studio will use Scatter to sign transactions when you are working on the mainnet.

However, tools on the right will change according to the current active page and different pages have their own available tools. The following sections will introduce them by pages respectively.